Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Salt: A World History (a)

Finally, a new book.  This has been on my to-read list for a long time and I can't remember who first recommended it to me. 

The intro was great, it really drew me into the premise of the book and made me super interested in the history of salt.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Apparently salt has had more influence on the world than I'd ever thought.

Interesting tidbits:

In some ancient cultures you were only allowed to touch salt with your two middle fingers. Touching salt with your pinky meant you would end up poor, your thumb all your children would die and your pointer you would end up a mass murderer.  Clearly.

Throughout the ages salt has been associated with the erotica.  Interested to see how that chapter pans out.

So many words have their origin in the latin word sal meaning salt.  Think about all the food words that have sal:  salami, salad (Roman meaning salted greens), and more that I don't feel like looking back up right now

Salt has been used as a form of currency.  Salary meaning someone who is worth their salt or earning their salt.  The word soldier even originally meant "someone who was paid in salt"

Anyway, so far the book is interesting even if the history gets a little dry sometimes. 

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